[ardour-users] ardour crashes on startup

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Thu Nov 24 09:55:53 PST 2005

On Thu, 2005-11-24 at 15:58 +0100, Peter Hagen wrote:
> Hi... 
> i have a little more information about Ardour crashing on startup, if
> not run as root:

from within gdb the relevant command for debugging is:

	thread apply all bt

after a crash. collect all the output, then mail it, preferably to
ardour-devel (if you're not a member, ardour-users will do).

also please be aware that on debian/debian related systems, the use of
the SYSLIBS option at compile time is starting to become more common and
voids any chance of meaningful support from ardour developers. if you
built ardour yourself and did not use SYSLIBS=yes, this does not affect


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