[ardour-users] sends/inserts

Aaron Trumm aaron at nquit.com
Wed Nov 2 16:08:46 PST 2005


i mean my trouble right now is, i swear to GOD IN HEAVEN that i used
gverb the other day on a track.  now the same track i'm trying again,
and i swear - 1 input, 2 outputs is what the plugin list says - but yet
no it won't let me.  so last week i would try pre fader, then post fader
- i still can't learn to predict when the @*%(@% a given plugin will
work.  it obviously doesn't work the way i think it does, OR it's buggy.
i'm hoping a veloper will chime in and tell us how these things are
supposed to work

omg that reminds me what's the status of the manual?  is there one?  i
should go look and see what's there i haven't thought about that in like
a year.

On Wed, 2005-11-02 at 15:59 -0800, moron at industrial.org wrote:
> > what changed, because in previous versions of ardour, plugins seemed
> > much more inline.  i just shoved it inbetween the signal and the output.
> > no worries.  now most plugins won't connect, and they tell me i make no
> > sense.  and then they ridicule me and pants me.
> One issue related to this that sort of bugs me is that unlike most analog mixers and effects units out there, Ardour is overly picky about mono / stero related input settings. Specifically, it will not let you send a stereo track to a mono plugin (even if the plugin ultimately has stereo outs).  
> In the analog world the usual behaviour I have found is to use either the left input or sum them which IMHO should at least be an option.  As it stands you are just told "no way" and are left to scroll through a large plugin list for plugins with the correct number of inputs.  
> If this behaviour can't be changed for technical reasons, the plug in list should be filtered when displayed so that only plugins than can actually be selected are actually listed.  It would be preferable though to be able to send any track to whatever plugin with merging / splitting done as necessary (perhaps with a warning for the cases where conversion will occur).
> Cheers
> http://industrial.org
> http://deterrent.net/griefer
> http://ampfea.org
> http://codegrunt.com  
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