[ardour-users] region export causes segfault

Wolfgang Woehl tito at rumford.de
Sat May 28 01:57:06 PDT 2005

Orm Finnendahl <finnendahl at folkwang-hochschule.de>:
> after click-selection of a region (in object mode), right-clicking,
> choosing "export", choosing the filename and clicking "ok", ardour
> segfaults.

There is no segfault with current cvs of ardour and jack when exporting 
a region from its context menu. But trying this I see a slightly 
different behaviour for region export as compared to range or session 
export: playhead doesn't move and sndfile-info reports the file was not 
closed properly (it claims to fix it too) which is not exactly a good 

> The version is 0.9beta28

A lot of things were going on between beta28 and current cvs. Alas none 
of the devs have the time to maintain yesterdays's betas. Dinosaur 
distributions like SuSE are way too slow to keep up so they ship point 
releases -- functional but ancient. It's a problem but that's the way 
it is. Consider building current cvs (the tarball on 
http://ardour.org/releases/ardour-cvs.tar.bz2 is always the latest)


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