[ardour-users] Busses - Crash

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Mon May 23 06:35:33 PDT 2005

>Does anybody have an idea as to why ardour would crash everytime I create a tr
>ack as a Bus?

I don't. But I do want to point out a few things that very important.

When a program is evolving as rapidly as Ardour, it is absolutely,
completely, utterly critical that you include version information. For
Ardour, this means:

	* the version number
	* the build ID's (reported in the terminal/console where
            ardour is started, during startup)
        * did you build Ardour from source?
	* if not, where did you get it from?
	* which linux distribution are you using, and what version?
	* if you compiled it yourself, which version of gcc?

You should also include similar information about JACK too. 

Finally, please read http://ardour.org/bugs.php for general


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