[ardour-users] no sound when SC1 is activated
Luc Tanguay
lucus at sympatico.ca
Thu Mar 17 18:30:13 PST 2005
Hello all,
I'm trying to compress an already recorded track (voice) with the SC1
plugin from Steve Harris. I hear the voice when the plugin is bypassed
(which is normal) but when I activate the plugin there is no sound and
Ardour keeps rolling. On the same track I have other plugin (Gverb) and
it's running fine.
May this be caused by the sample rate of 48000Hz that I use?
I tried to send the track to JackRack with SC1 avtive in JackRack. At
first I was able to hear the track thru JackRack but after a few seconds
it went silent.
My setup is RedHat 9 with planetCCRMA and the latest:
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