[ardour-users] Saving files complete set to DVD

Frank smith fsmith at walescomputers.co.uk
Tue Jun 14 13:05:58 PDT 2005

Hi Paul
Thats fine.
I can archive to DVD/CD as I go.

Just a quick one.
If I need to copy a small pieces and cut and paste
it into a track I seem to end up at the start of the track.
Is there a way of inserting the paste at the curser point?


Paul Davis wrote:

>On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 14:43 +0100, Frank smith wrote:
>>Just finishing the latest 16 track ardour masterpiece!!
>>I have many tracks and snapshots as you do, If I save the main folder to DVD
>>The main folder is called:
>>hey dude where's my Oil ,
>>If I save all this will I be able to recall all the tracks and all  from 
>>the DVD at a later date in Ardour?
>yes, but ardour will not be able to open it from the DVD. you will (for
>now) have to copy it back to disk. there is already a feature request to
>add support for sessions on read-only media like a DVD or CD, and its an
>entirely reasonable one. the hard part is not the "backend", but the
>GUI. making it clear what is going when so many operations are
>impossible, or "unsafe" is not a trivial matter.

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