[ardour-users] Ardour and SuSE 9.2

Chris Bozic cbozic at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 19:09:51 PDT 2005

I used to run SuSE and ardour worked fine.  I'm not sure but I thought
I got the ardour package right out of the SuSE application
installation wizard that fetched packages off of the net.

One thing to consider is that SuSE requires some performance tweaks to
get good performance using Ardour.  This will probably require
compiling your own kernel in addition to some other configurations.  I
know I've seen other people on this email list using Ardour on SuSE so
maybe they can be more help than I am.

If you're looking for RPM's that aren't from SuSE, I googled and found
this bunch of links:

If you have a choice, I would recommend a totally different linux
distribution.  Agnula Demudi.


I have ran Ardour on SuSE, Red Hat, Fedora, Debian, MEPIS, and Demudi.
 Demudi is the best one I know of that's taylor made for running high
performance audio software.

Chris Bozic

On 6/13/05, New Life Bible College and Seiminary <college at nlcm.net> wrote:
> Will Ardour work with SuSE 9.2 and where can I find the package needed to
> make it all work?  Thanks. 
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