[ardour-users] Ardour working on FC4.

philicorda philicorda at ntlworld.com
Wed Jul 6 12:38:58 PDT 2005

Hey, I got Ardour compiled running on Fedora Core 4 with gcc4.0.
The computer with FC4 on only has a crap on board snd_ens1371 sound, but
Ardour works fine.

Pretty much everything you need is in that repositories that yum uses.

The only things I had to compile from source were Jack, raptor and
lilrdf. Selinux does not seem to cause any problems, at least at the
1024 latency setting I am using.

The only weird thing is that Jack says:
playback and capture sample rates do not match (44100 vs. 44099)
if you try to use 44.1k sample rate, and you get occasional clicks on
the input at that rate. Is this normal for this card? (Is it a fixed 48k
card with src?)

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