[ardour-users] ardour full duplex problems?

max muston radmaxntx at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 30 09:47:59 PDT 2005

Hi all,

 Let me tell you about my system. It’s an AMD 64 bit processor, 1 gig of ram, an Maudio delta 44 which I’m running thru a mixer. Two hard drives 1 for the main system ext3 and 1 formatted in jfs and setup with a LVM for future expansion. My opsys is  fedora core 4 x86-64. the ardour installation was extremely painful. Several of the depend packages for ardour had to be hacked because of the integer definitions were incompatible with the 64 bit system. But every thing seems to work, EXCEPT: let me pause and emphasize that I am somewhat savvy on computers but  am brand new to digital audio recorders. 


Perceived problem: I can get audio from an input port to route to any output port ether thru a jack patch program or thru ardour itself, but as soon as I push the play button to begin recording the output port goes dead. The audio  that is introduced into the input port is recorded but I can’t monitor the track at least until I quit recording and play back the track.


Is this just the way it is or am I doing something wrong? 

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