[ardour-users] Re: [ardour-dev] Re: MTC & MMC ...

Third Option thirdoption at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 22 17:30:14 PDT 2004

So what YOU are saying, which is different than I'm getting from other
sources, is that MTC RECEIVE in ardour does NOT work, and MTC SEND

>     A separate machine is running Sequencer Plus. The machine has a
> Music Quest MQX32M standalone MIDI card routed to a Yamaha MJC8 MIDI
> junction box. The machine running Ardour is also routed to the MJC8,
> with MIDI sent & received via an SBLive. The sequencer syncs to MTC
> coming from Ardour, with Ardour's Sync options set to Internal
> Positional Sync and the Send MTC box activated. For some reason I have
> to set the Tape Offset in Seq+ to a value > 0 before it will behave
> correctly: does anyone know why that's so ?

this is just always so about the offset.  i've always had my cakewalk set to
offset to :03 seconds when I sync to darwin. it's just because it takes a
second for the sequencer to catch the stream.

>   I've been reading some details of the MMC message set, but I confess
> I'm unclear as to why an MMC Start message is required before Ardour
> will respond to MTC.

me too.  MMC and MTC are really two entirely different things, as far as I
understand it.  MMC is just stuff like "hey start!"  and "hey stop"  - MIDI
Machine Control - MTC is MIDI Time Code - which is an exact replica of SMPTE
time code and works exactly the same way.   now MTC of course sends
start/stop commands - so...maybe it USES MMC to do so...

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