[ardour-users] Machine configurations

James Coates jamesc at affection.net
Thu Feb 26 17:55:22 PST 2004

Hello there,

Having enormous difficulty getting Ardour running under Mandrake 9.2 for 
various reasons. Most recently, it's seemingly because Mandrake doesn't 
particularly like the ASUS A7N8X-Deluxe motherboard that came in the machine. 

Is anyone here using Ardour with Mandrake, and if so, can they recommend a 
decent motherboard to use?


jamesc at affection.net - http://www.affection.net/~jamesc/ - [+33] 6 79 02 08 99
Over 30 therapy  -  http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/wishlist/32PY6JWC687RV

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