[ardour-users] A hundred tracks and counting...

Wolfgang Woehl tito at rumford.de
Wed Aug 25 09:46:41 PDT 2004

Michaël Ball <michael.ball at pandora.be>:
> I've been using Ardour to record a serious album, and I'm impressed
> with it too. Sure, I've had my problems and there have been some real
> big setbacks, but with the help of this list I've gotten through
> them. It's taken a fair amount of dedication and time, but I'm very
> pleased with the results.
> I would like to say a big thank you to everybody on this list. I'm
> handing the master in next Monday to get the album pressed, and
> despite listening to each song to the point where I hear them in my
> sleep, it's an album I'm proud of and that wouldn't have been
> possible without Ardour and the support from this list.

Congratulations. Will you put some of it on the net too :?
Curious, Wolfgang.

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