Hey all,<br><br>I've got a suggestion for a method to allow OSC data be routed not only towards Ardour, but<br>also "away" from it. An intro to OSC & Ardour is <a href="http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Controlling_Ardour_with_SC">here..</a><br>
<br>To control Ardour using OSC, we do this:<br>> a.sendMsg("/ardour/routes/gainabs", 1, 1.0); // master track, 0dB<br><br>I suggest that a "client" can hook into "the Ardours OSC sending list."<br>
This would be a new feature for Ardour I think, and would need to be implemented.<br>Basically its a callback OSC. New coined term: SendBack interface.. sounds a bit better<br>for network transfers. (And were not "calling" the client, were sending it an OSC message.)<br>
<br>To Add itself to the list, a client could call something like:<br>> a.sendMsg("/ardour/addsendback" , "<OSC Address here>" );<br>Where the OSC Address would be the clients address that Ardour should all send messages to.<br>
<br>Ardour could keep a list of "sendback" clients, to which it should update value changes etc.<br>This way, if ardour is fully OSC usable, all Control Surface problems can be abstracted to OSC,<br>and hence no individual control protocols must be mapped to Ardours' own system. Instead,<br>
the controller would have to be accessed though *ANY* means, and its only requirement would<br>be to convert the ControlSurfaces' commands to OSC.<br><br>Shameless self promotion: <a href="http://harryhaaren.blogspot.com/2009/12/tut-6-ardour-control-using-osc-python.html">See the Wiimote & Ardour via OSC post here</a>.<br>
<br>I'm not sure of details in the MIDI implementation, or of the OSC implementation, so I'm assuming<br>some things here. If they aren't as I think, please "inform" me ;~)<br><br>Cheers, -Harry<br>