Hello<br><br>As some of you may know I've been working on trying to solve the problem of the transport control bindings being lost when Ardour reloads and I think I am getting close to having a solution. As far as I can tell, the problem with the transport control bindings being lost when Ardour is restarted is caused by the controls not being added to the Session object (no call to Session->add_controllable(blah)). I tried just adding these calls in load_session() (ardour_ui.cc) after the Session is instantiated, but it turns out that in the process of the Session object being instantiated (in the function "second_stage_init"), a reference to the Session is passed to the ControlProtocolManager (ControlProtocolManager::instance().set_session (*this);) This call also triggers all the initialisation functions specified in the ControlProtocolDescriptors so the "[WARNING]: Generic MIDI control: controllable 6 not found in session (ignored)" messages appear before the "new Session" line in load_session() returns. In order to get this working commented out the line "ControlProtocolManager::instance().set_session (*this);" in second_stage_init() and added this code to load_session() in ardour_ui.cc:<br>
<br> /* now the session been created, add the transport controls */<br> new_session->add_controllable(&roll_controllable);<br> new_session->add_controllable(&stop_controllable);<br> new_session->add_controllable(&goto_start_controllable);<br>
new_session->add_controllable(&goto_end_controllable);<br> new_session->add_controllable(&auto_loop_controllable);<br> new_session->add_controllable(&play_selection_controllable);<br> new_session->add_controllable(&rec_controllable);<br>
<br> ControlProtocolManager::instance().set_session (*new_session);<br><br>This seems to now work - the warnings have disappears and the bindings work after re-load, but I don't know enough about Ardour yet to know if moving the call to ControlProtocolManager.set_session() is a very bad thing to do. To keep closer to the original order of events, the controls would have to be added from within the code that creates the Session object, but I wasn't sure of the best was to pass these objects to that code.<br>
<br>Of course the other issue is that these controls probably weren't written to the session in the first place as they are independent of any session (unless you wish to bind them differently on a song-by-song basis).<br>
<br>Any advice would be greatly appreciated,<br>Stuart<br>