[Ardour-Dev] how to precisely align the audio output of a Jack MIDI client in Ardour?

Markus Grabner mg.2849 at w42.at
Thu Nov 9 21:26:25 PST 2017

Am Freitag, 10. November 2017, 05:56:00 CET schrieb Robin Gareus:
> Hi Markus,
> It looks like you're sending and receiving data in the same jack client.
>   your client -> Ardour -> your client.
No, it's actually

Ardour (MIDI track) -> my client -> Ardour (audio track),

and finally it should be

Hydrogen -> LinuxSampler -> Ardour,

where I first noticed the issue, but stripped it down to the simpler case I 
reported yesterday. Both cases (with 2 or 3 different clients involved) behave 
exactly the same w.r.t. the one period delay.

> This cannot happen in the same process cycle. Jack will break the cycle
> and either run Ardour first or your client first. So a delay of 1 cycle
> is expected.
No problem with this, but how can this be compensated?

BTW, my version of jack is 1.9.10.

	Kind regards,

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