[Ardour-Dev] Feedback on string-convert branch

John Emmas johne53 at tiscali.co.uk
Thu Jan 5 04:52:19 PST 2017

After a good night's sleep...

On 04/01/2017 20:13, John Emmas wrote:
> I haven't yet tried a Debug build (so I don't yet know if the 
> DEBUG_SCONVERT stuff works)
I managed to run a Debug build this morning and the above seems okay.

> 'string_convert.h' gives me this error at lines 77, 152 and 239:-
> not a member of global namespace'
> (and likewise for line 336).  If I comment out those lines 
> temporarily, everything then builds okay.
That problem is still the same.

> On a slightly sour note - when I try to run the built executable it 
> immediately crashes at this line in function 'main()':-
>     l_msg = setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, NULL);
> but I guess that might be an unrelated problem?
Yes, that seems to be unconnected.  AFAICT, setlocale() doesn't support 
LC_MESSAGES in Windows (neither MinGW nor MSVC have it defined).  I 
guess this needs to get flagged up to Robin?


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