[Ardour-Dev] gain-mapping - was Re: OSC next
Felix Homann
linuxaudio at showlabor.de
Tue May 24 09:47:43 PDT 2016
Len Ovens <len at ovenwerks.net> schrieb am Sa., 14. Mai 2016 um 20:35 Uhr:
> On Sat, 14 May 2016, Felix Homann wrote:
> I would hesitate to call the x32/air "Common" :) The tablet OSC controller
> seems to be by far the most common.
I just came across this video on how to use a X32 as a control surface for
Reaper. I didn't know people were actually using it this way:
Here's Patrick-Gilles Maillot's X32Reaper utility:
Might be interesting to do something similar for Ardour.
Kind regards,
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