[Ardour-Dev] gain-mapping - was Re: OSC next

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Wed May 18 11:29:56 PDT 2016

On Wed, 18 May 2016, Felix Homann wrote:

>       On Sat, 14 May 2016, Felix Homann wrote:
>       I like the: send any message with no value means send me an update.

Does this include meter values, timecode values or beat/bar values?

Obviously these were going to be one way only (DAW -> surface):
/master/meter f
/strip/meter ssid f
/timecode s (I Like a string, is there something better or as well?)
/beat s (same thing here)

The other way to send things would be:

/timecode iiii hour minute sec frame
/beat iii bar beat tick

The string has the advantage that a dumb surface just displays one string 
(or two if it wants both) While a smart surface still has access to each 
value. Both strings would be the same length anyway so if the surface 
wanted to have one display it switched from one form to the other, there 
would be no charactors from one type left over after the switch.

There is already a /transport_frame query that returns the raw transport 
frame at the playhead. Hmm, a /tranport_frame i could be used to put the 
playhead at a particular place... I am not sure how valuable that would be 
as a keyboard entry may as well use the conputers own kb. A jogwheel or 
nudge button could use it though.

Len Ovens

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