[Ardour-Dev] Ardour3-3.1 does not build on FreeBSD i386 10.0

outro pessoa outro.pessoa at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 11:12:22 PDT 2013

In the wscript file, there are a set of conditionals { os==apple then
statement fi} - properly formatted unlike this email, of course- followed
by an else conditional for linux. Now, is it possible to add a second
conditional to each of the if + else statements? if so, will it be an if-fi
or an else+if-fi statement? The beta release that is being used has FreeBSD
in brackets along side of the apple if conditional. If I an able to write
the conditional, will I need to add the complete path of any executable?
In the wscript configure arguments, the include and libdir input paths will
not accept more than one input path even with --value=/path/,/path2/ or
value=/path/, value=/path2/. Will this need to be modified from within the
wscript file?


On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 4:26 AM, Dan MacDonald <allcoms at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 10:25 AM, outro pessoa <outro.pessoa at gmail.com>wrote:
>>  One problem is in the use of an AMD64/x86_64 system with an i386
>> installation. This was done due to limited memory- not mine, the machine-
>> and limited cash; so, I'm working around that.
> Eh? I can't see your system RAM being so tight that you were unable to
> install FBSD amd64 over i386 - that makes no sense. I know 64-bit OSs use a
> little more RAM and disk space that 32bit but not that much.
> Anyway - best of luck getting A3 to compile under clang. Getting it to
> compile under clang can only be good for the projects health and I'm sure
> Paul and team will appreciate this even if they don't use *BSD or clang as
> I hear clang can give more verbose debug/complation error output than GCC.
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