[Ardour-Dev] Ardour3-3.1 does not build on FreeBSD i386 10.0
outro pessoa
outro.pessoa at gmail.com
Sat Jun 1 16:49:47 PDT 2013
1. www.nerds.de This site has an application called ipmidi. That is why I
had stated that ipmidi was not available for FreeBSD.
2. I have searched the code and can not find anything to match the error in
the attached file.
On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 4:08 PM, outro pessoa <outro.pessoa at gmail.com>wrote:
> Okay ipmidi is not available for FreeBSD. I had to look up the information.
> About how many hidden flags are in the wscript file? It looks like I'll
> need to remove the ones that cannot be built on this OS architecture.
> On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 3:57 PM, outro pessoa <outro.pessoa at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Configure was redone without static libraries.
>> Error seems to be in libmidi preprocessor pp/++ files.
>> On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 1:54 PM, Paul Davis <paul at linuxaudiosystems.com>wrote:
>>> --internal-static-libs is experimental and will almost certainly not
>>> work. It is a work in progress that is expected to be months away from
>>> being completed, and was intended to be used only when building Ardour for
>>> binary distribution. There is a lot of code in ardour that is known to be
>>> completely, 100% broken when this option is used - it will compile but the
>>> program will crash either at startup or during execution.
>>> put more simply: you cannot use this option to build a working version
>>> of ardour.
>>> On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 1:37 PM, outro pessoa <outro.pessoa at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Add this to FreeBSD install:
>>>> Compile without lv2 until I can see what the problem is with the search
>>>> method.
>>>> Ardour3-3.1 compiles with "./waf configure
>>>> --boost-includes=/usr/local/include/boost/
>>>> --also-includes=/usr/local/include/ --internal-static-libs
>>>> --also-libdir=/usr/local/lib/ --freebie --no-lv2"
>>>> Now, Ardour3-3.1 will build but it does not install.
>>>> Build failed
>>>> -> task in 'libmidipp' failed (exit status 1):
>>>> {task 689150380: cxx ipmidi_port.cc -> ipmidi_port.cc.1.o}
>>>> On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 3:28 PM, outro pessoa <outro.pessoa at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Took care of that.
>>>>> Eliminated the dlopen from the wscript.
>>>>> Really not too sure about the GMP and MPFR selection. At what point
>>>>> would the sound card crap out?
>>>>> Here looking at using an i386 for wine and having NFS export the
>>>>> necessary directories, libraries, etc to a powerpc machine.
>>>>> On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Paul Davis <
>>>>> paul at linuxaudiosystems.com> wrote:
>>>>>> boost does not provide pkg-config info. it is really pathetic.
>>>>>> you need to use system-level stuff to make boost discoverable (e.g.
>>>>>> symlinks) etc. etc.
>>>>>> On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 4:38 AM, outro pessoa <outro.pessoa at gmail.com
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> Boost 1.52 and subsequent boost based applications & libraries- also
>>>>>>> 1.52- are installed yet "./waf configure " will not recognize even with
>>>>>>> boost and other include flags enabled.
>>>>>>> The wscript file does not contain enough information to change the
>>>>>>> variable and search path with vi.
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Waf: Entering directory `/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/build'
[ 54/839] cxx: libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc -> build/libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc.1.o
[ 68/839] cshlib: build/libs/evoral/src/libsmf/smf.c.1.o build/libs/evoral/src/libsmf/smf_decode.c.1.o build/libs/evoral/src/libsmf/smf_load.c.1.o build/libs/evoral/src/libsmf/smf_save.c.1.o build/libs/evoral/src/libsmf/smf_tempo.c.1.o -> build/libs/evoral/libsmf.so
[ 70/839] cxx: libs/evoral/src/ControlList.cpp -> build/libs/evoral/src/ControlList.cpp.2.o
In file included from ../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:49:
../libs/midi++2/midi++/ipmidi_port.h:76: error: field 'addrout' has incomplete type
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc: In function 'bool get_address(int, in_addr*, const std::string&)':
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:134: error: aggregate 'MIDI::sockaddr_in sa' has incomplete type and cannot be defined
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:135: error: invalid application of 'sizeof' to incomplete type 'MIDI::sockaddr_in'
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc: In member function 'bool MIDI::IPMIDIPort::open_sockets(int, const std::string&)':
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:163: error: aggregate 'MIDI::sockaddr_in addrin' has incomplete type and cannot be defined
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:166: error: 'INADDR_ANY' was not declared in this scope
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:183: error: 'IPPROTO_IP' was not declared in this scope
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:183: error: 'IP_MULTICAST_IF' was not declared in this scope
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:192: error: aggregate 'ip_mreq mreq' has incomplete type and cannot be defined
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:195: error: 'IPPROTO_IP' was not declared in this scope
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:195: error: 'IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP' was not declared in this scope
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:217: error: 'IPPROTO_IP' was not declared in this scope
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:217: error: 'IP_MULTICAST_IF' was not declared in this scope
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:223: error: 'addrout' was not declared in this scope
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:223: error: invalid application of 'sizeof' to incomplete type 'MIDI::sockaddr_in'
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:230: error: 'IPPROTO_IP' was not declared in this scope
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:230: error: 'IP_MULTICAST_LOOP' was not declared in this scope
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc: In member function 'virtual int MIDI::IPMIDIPort::write(const MIDI::byte*, size_t, MIDI::timestamp_t)':
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:253: error: 'addrout' was not declared in this scope
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:253: error: invalid application of 'sizeof' to incomplete type 'MIDI::sockaddr_in'
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc: In member function 'virtual void MIDI::IPMIDIPort::parse(MIDI::framecnt_t)':
../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc:278: error: aggregate 'MIDI::sockaddr_in sender' has incomplete type and cannot be defined
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/build'
Build failed
-> task in 'libmidipp' failed (exit status 1):
{task 690123916: cxx ipmidi_port.cc -> ipmidi_port.cc.1.o}
['/usr/bin/g++', '-I/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1', '-O0', '-g', '-fshow-column', '-I/usr/local/include/boost/', '-I/usr/local/include/', '-DWAF_BUILD', '-rdynamic', '-DARCH_X86', '-Wall', '-Wpointer-arith', '-Wcast-qual', '-Wcast-align', '-Woverloaded-virtual', '-DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED', '-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE', '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64', '-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS', '-D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS', '-DENABLE_NLS', '-DHAVE_FFTW3', '-fPIC', '-DWITH_JACK_MIDI', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-I/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/build/libs/midi++2', '-I/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/libs/midi++2', '-I/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/build/libs/surfaces/control_protocol', '-I/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/libs/surfaces/control_protocol', '-I/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/build/libs/evoral', '-I/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/libs/evoral', '-I/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/build/libs/pbd', '-I/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/libs/pbd', '-I/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/build/libs/evoral/src/libsmf', '-I/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/libs/evoral/src/libsmf', '-I/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/build/libs/timecode', '-I/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/libs/timecode', '-I/usr/local/include/glibmm-2.4', '-I/usr/local/lib/glibmm-2.4/include', '-I/usr/local/include/glib-2.0', '-I/usr/local/include', '-I/usr/local/include/sigc++-2.0', '-I/usr/local/lib/sigc++-2.0/include', '-I/usr/local/include/libxml2', '-I/usr/local/include/uuid', '-I/usr/local/include/giomm-2.4', '-I/usr/local/lib/giomm-2.4/include', '-I/home/schrodinger/Downloads/Ardour3-3.1/build', '-DJACK_SESSION=1', '-DHAVE_GLIB=1', '-DHAVE_GTHREAD=1', '-DHAVE_GLIBMM=1', '-DHAVE_SNDFILE=1', '-DHAVE_GIOMM=1', '-DHAVE_CURL=1', '-DHAVE_LO=1', '-DPHONE_HOME=1', '-DFREESOUND=1', '-DENABLE_NLS=1', '-DWINDOWS_KEY="Mod4><Super"', '-DIS_OSX=0', '-DCONFIG_ARCH="i386"', '-DHAVE_XML=1', '-DHAVE_SIGCPP=1', '-DHAVE_UUID=1', '-DHAVE_EXECINFO=1', '-DHAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_PBD=1', '-DHAVE_JACK=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_MIDIPP2=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_EVORAL=1', '-DHAVE_FFTW3=1', '-DHAVE_FFTW3F=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_VAMP_SDK=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_QM_DSP=1', '-DHAVE_AUBIO=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_VAMP_PLUGINS=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_TAGLIB=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_LIBLTC=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_RUBBERBAND=1', '-DHAVE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL=1', '-DHAVE_FRONTIER=1', '-DHAVE_GENERIC_MIDI=1', '-DHAVE_MACKIE=1', '-DHAVE_OSC=1', '-DHAVE_POWERMATE=1', '-DHAVE_TRANZPORT=1', '-DHAVE_WIIMOTE=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_SURFACES=1', '-DHAVE_2IN2OUT=1', '-DHAVE_1IN2OUT=1', '-DHAVE_VBAP=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_PANNERS=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_TIMECODE=1', '-DHAVE_LRDF=1', '-DHAVE_SAMPLERATE=1', '-DHAVE_OGG=1', '-DHAVE_FLAC=1', '-DHAVE_RUBBERBAND=1', '-DUSE_RUBBERBAND=1', '-DCURRENT_SESSION_FILE_VERSION=3001', '-DHAVE_SYS_STATVFS_H=1', '-DHAVE_JACK_SESSION=1', '-DHAVE_UNISTD=1', '-DHAVE_JACK_ON_INFO_SHUTDOWN=1', '-DHAVE_JACK_VIDEO_SUPPORT=1', '-DHAVE_BOOST_SCOPED_PTR_HPP=1', '-DHAVE_BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_PTR_LIST_HPP=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_ARDOUR=1', '-DHAVE_GTKMM=1', '-DHAVE_GTK=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_GTKMM2EXT=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_CLEARLOOKS_NEWER=1', '-DHAVE_BOOST_FORMAT_HPP=1', '-DHAVE_LIBS_AUDIOGRAPHER=1', '-DHAVE_GNOMECANVAS=1', '-DHAVE_GNOMECANVASMM=1', '-DHAVE_X11=1', '-DHAVE_FONTCONFIG=1', '-DHAVE_BOOST_SHARED_PTR_HPP=1', '-DHAVE_BOOST_WEAK_PTR_HPP=1', '-DHAVE_GTK2_ARDOUR=1', '-DHAVE_EXPORT=1', '-DHAVE_MIDI_MAPS=1', '-DHAVE_MCP=1', '-DHAVE_PATCHFILES=1', '../libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc', '-c', '-o', 'libs/midi++2/ipmidi_port.cc.1.o']
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