[Ardour-Dev] A3 svn14055 ./waf fails on amd64 Linux

John Rigg ardev3 at jrigg.co.uk
Sun Feb 10 09:47:56 PST 2013

I just tried to build A3 svn14055 on my Debian testing amd64 system.
./waf configure appears to work OK, but ./waf fails before compilation.
Thought I'd check here before filing a bug report in case there's
something I've missed. Messages from ./waf configure and ./waf attached.

-------------- next part --------------
Setting top to                           : /home/jqr/ardour3/3.0 
Setting out to                           : /home/jqr/ardour3/3.0/build 
Checking for 'gcc' (c compiler)          : /usr/bin/gcc 
Checking for 'g++' (c++ compiler)        : /usr/bin/g++ 
Global Configuration 
 * Install prefix                                    : /usr/local 
 * Debuggable build                                  : True 
 * Build documentation                               : False 
Ardour Configuration 
 * Will reply on libintl built into libc             : yes 
 * Will build against private Ardour dependency stack : no 
Checking for header jack/session.h                   : yes 
Checking for boost library >= 1.39                   : ok 
Checking for program pkg-config                      : /usr/bin/pkg-config 
Checking for 'glib-2.0' >= 2.2                       : yes 
Checking for 'gthread-2.0' >= 2.2                    : yes 
Checking for 'glibmm-2.4' >= 2.32.0                  : yes 
Checking for 'sndfile' >= 1.0.18                     : yes 
Checking for 'giomm-2.4' >= 2.2                      : yes 
Checking for 'libcurl' >= 7.0.0                      : yes 
Checking for function dlopen                         : yes 
Checking for 'libxml-2.0'                            : yes 
Checking for 'sigc++-2.0' >= 2.0                     : yes 
Checking for 'uuid'                                  : yes 
Checking for function getmntent                      : yes 
Checking for header execinfo.h                       : yes 
Checking for header unistd.h                         : yes 
Checking for function posix_memalign                 : yes 
Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp             : yes 
Checking for header boost/weak_ptr.hpp               : yes 
Checking for 'cppunit' >= 1.12.0                     : yes 
Checking for 'jack' >= 0.118.2                       : yes 
Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp             : yes 
Checking for header boost/weak_ptr.hpp               : yes 
Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp             : yes 
Checking for header boost/weak_ptr.hpp               : yes 
Checking for 'fftw3'                                 : yes 
Checking for 'fftw3f'                                : yes 
Checking for 'aubio'                                 : yes 
Checking for header linux/input.h                    : yes 
Checking for 'liblo' >= 0.24                         : yes 
Checking for header cwiid.h                          : not found 
Checking for program gas,as,gcc                      : /usr/bin/as 
Checking for 'aubio' >= 0.3.2                        : yes 
Checking for 'lrdf' >= 0.4.0                         : yes 
Checking for 'samplerate' >= 0.1.0                   : yes 
Checking for 'lv2' >= 1.0.0                          : yes 
Checking for 'lv2' >= 1.0.15                         : not found 
Checking for 'serd-0' >= 0.14.0                      : yes 
Checking for 'sord-0' >= 0.8.0                       : yes 
Checking for 'sratom-0' >= 0.2.0                     : yes 
Checking for 'lilv-0' >= 0.14.0                      : yes 
Checking for 'lilv-0' >= 0.15.0                      : not found 
Checking for 'suil-0' >= 0.6.0                       : yes 
Checking for 'ogg' >= 1.1.2                          : yes 
Checking for 'flac' >= 1.2.1                         : yes 
Checking for header sys/vfs.h                        : yes 
Checking for header sys/statvfs.h                    : yes 
Checking for header jack/session.h                   : yes 
Checking for header unistd.h                         : yes 
Checking for jack_on_info_shutdown                   : present 
Checking for new JACK latency API                    : present 
Checking for new jack_port_type_get_buffer_size      : present 
Checking for JackVideoFrameOffset                    : present 
Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp             : yes 
Checking for header boost/weak_ptr.hpp               : yes 
Checking for header boost/scoped_ptr.hpp             : yes 
Checking for header boost/ptr_container/ptr_list.hpp : yes 
Checking for 'gtkmm-2.4' >= 2.8                      : yes 
Checking for 'gtk+-2.0' >= 2.12.1                    : yes 
Checking for 'samplerate' >= 0.1.7                   : yes 
Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp             : yes 
Checking for header boost/format.hpp                 : yes 
Checking for 'alsa'                                  : yes 
Checking for 'gthread-2.0' >= 2.10.1                 : yes 
Checking for 'gtk+-2.0' >= 2.18                      : yes 
Checking for 'libgnomecanvas-2.0' >= 2.30            : yes 
Checking for 'libgnomecanvasmm-2.6' >= 2.16          : yes 
Checking for 'x11' >= 1.1                            : yes 
Checking for 'fontconfig'                            : yes 
Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp             : yes 
Checking for header boost/weak_ptr.hpp               : yes 
 * Build documentation                               : False 
 * Debuggable build                                  : True 
 * Install prefix                                    : /usr/local 
 * Strict compiler flags                             : [] 
 * Architecture flags                                : None 
 * Aubio                                             : True 
 * AudioUnits                                        : False 
 * AU state support                                  : False 
 * Build target                                      : x86_64 
 * CoreAudio                                         : False 
 * Debug RT allocations                              : False 
 * Process thread timing                             : False 
 * Denormal exceptions                               : False 
 * FLAC                                              : True 
 * FPU optimization                                  : True 
 * Freedesktop files                                 : False 
 * Freesound                                         : True 
 * JACK session support                              : True 
 * LV2 UI embedding                                  : True 
 * LV2 support                                       : True 
 * LXVST support                                     : True 
 * OGG                                               : True 
 * Phone home                                        : False 
 * Program name                                      : Ardour 
 * Rubberband                                        : True 
 * Samplerate                                        : True 
 * Translation                                       : True 
 * Unit tests                                        : False 
 * Universal binary                                  : False 
 * Generic x86 CPU                                   : False 
 * Windows VST support                               : False 
 * Wiimote support                                   : False 
 * Windows key                                       : Mod4><Super 
 * C compiler flags                                  : ['-I/home/jqr/ardour3/3.0', '-O0', '-g', '-fshow-column', '-DWAF_BUILD', '-rdynamic', '-DARCH_X86', '-msse', '-mfpmath=sse', '-DUSE_XMMINTRIN', '-DBUILD_SSE_OPTIMIZATIONS', '-Wall', '-Wpointer-arith', '-Wcast-qual', '-Wcast-align', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-Wmissing-prototypes', '-DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED', '-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE', '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64', '-DENABLE_NLS'] 
 * C++ compiler flags                                : ['-I/home/jqr/ardour3/3.0', '-O0', '-g', '-fshow-column', '-DWAF_BUILD', '-DLXVST_64BIT', '-rdynamic', '-DARCH_X86', '-msse', '-mfpmath=sse', '-DUSE_XMMINTRIN', '-DBUILD_SSE_OPTIMIZATIONS', '-Wall', '-Wpointer-arith', '-Wcast-qual', '-Wcast-align', '-Woverloaded-virtual', '-DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED', '-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE', '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64', '-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS', '-D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS', '-DENABLE_NLS', '-DHAVE_FFTW3'] 
 * Linker flags                                      : ['-rdynamic', '-DARCH_X86', '-msse', '-mfpmath=sse', '-DUSE_XMMINTRIN', '-DBUILD_SSE_OPTIMIZATIONS'] 
'configure' finished successfully (9.634s)

You are missing the cwiid headers needed to compile wiimote support

-------------- next part --------------
Waf: Entering directory `/home/jqr/ardour3/3.0/build'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jqr/ardour3/3.0/.waf-1.6.11-6603881e905940648f3ad31d198e22c7/waflib/Scripting.py", line 97, in waf_entry_point
  File "/home/jqr/ardour3/3.0/.waf-1.6.11-6603881e905940648f3ad31d198e22c7/waflib/Scripting.py", line 151, in run_commands
  File "/home/jqr/ardour3/3.0/.waf-1.6.11-6603881e905940648f3ad31d198e22c7/waflib/Scripting.py", line 143, in run_command
  File "/home/jqr/ardour3/3.0/.waf-1.6.11-6603881e905940648f3ad31d198e22c7/waflib/Scripting.py", line 345, in execute
    return execute_method(self)
  File "/home/jqr/ardour3/3.0/.waf-1.6.11-6603881e905940648f3ad31d198e22c7/waflib/Build.py", line 98, in execute
  File "/home/jqr/ardour3/3.0/.waf-1.6.11-6603881e905940648f3ad31d198e22c7/waflib/Build.py", line 101, in execute_build
  File "/home/jqr/ardour3/3.0/.waf-1.6.11-6603881e905940648f3ad31d198e22c7/waflib/Context.py", line 128, in recurse
  File "/home/jqr/ardour3/3.0/wscript", line 732, in build
  File "/home/jqr/ardour3/3.0/wscript", line 100, in create_stored_revision
    rev = fetch_svn_revision('.');
  File "/home/jqr/ardour3/3.0/wscript", line 62, in fetch_svn_revision
    output = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].decode(sys.stdout.encoding)
TypeError: decode() argument 1 must be string, not None

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