[Ardour-Dev] Wiimote support porting to Ardour 3

Jannis Pohlmann jannis at xfce.org
Sat Sep 8 10:27:31 PDT 2012

On Sat, 8 Sep 2012 13:11:49 -0400
Thomas Vecchione <seablaede at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 11:24 AM, Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
> wrote:
> >
> > Once that is fixed, I would like to propose this for inclusion in
> > Ardour 3. How would we go about handling that (in what form do you
> > want the patches,
> You can probably attach small patches here, but making an issue in
> Mantis and attaching it there (Titled [PATCH] ISSUE TITLE is probably
> best) is a generally accepted method.

There already is a bug about this:


> > would it be possible to get commit access to maintain
> > the Wiimote code properly etc.)?
> >
> >
> Ill let Paul speak to this one.

It would be nice. I'm thinking about adding some smaller functionality
later on, like a UI dialog for connecting the Wiimote (at the moment
users are only told what they need to do on the command line), and
maybe improve the button assignments for recording scenarios (because
they are where I think the Wiimote is useful mainly).

I certainly know how to behave well in a community. I have a couple of
years experience in community leadership through Xfce, know how to work
with SCMs and can code C and C++. If that helps in making a decision,
perfect. If you don't think it's reasonable, that is fine with me as

  - Jannis

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