[Ardour-Dev] ardour3 video timeline

Harry Van Haaren harryhaaren at gmail.com
Mon Jun 28 16:44:04 PDT 2010


Thanks for that overview of how the Canvas is structured.. I had wondered
how it was done.
And figured I'd better leave it until I better understood the Gtk toolbox..

Nice to read a concise description of how its working internally... You
could say ill
never look at Ardour the same again. (Bad pun intended ;-)

Cheers, -Harry

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Paul Davis <paul at linuxaudiosystems.com>wrote:

> the key point is that the objects on the canvas are not widgets that
> can be used without the canvas. they are canvas items, whose internal
> implementation is closely tied into the internal design of the canvas
> itself. its still quite object-oriented in all the right ways, but not
> using widgets that could be re-used in a totally different context. to
> give a specific example: some of the ideas about how ardour draws
> waveforms come from something that was called GtkWaveView. that was a
> regular GtkWidget which could be used just like a toggle button,
> textview or whatever. but the current (and foreseeable future) design
> of GTK means that you can't use widgets the way that you need to
> create the experience you expect from a non-linear, non-destructive
> multitrack editor. so some of that code ended up in the
> CanvasWaveViewItem object, which draws itself onto a canvas. its
> modular, its compact, but its also useless without the canvas.
> there is still a heirarchy of objects/items on the canvas, specific
> track types etc. etc. - they just don't involve "widgets" in the
> normal sense of a GtkWidget.
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