[Ardour-Dev] Patch for review: Unit-tests for libardour / basic design for pluggable varispeed interpolation algorithms

Hans Baier hansfbaier at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 1 01:28:21 PDT 2009


I want to submit the patch here, since i'd
like to get a bit of feedback before I commit.

I'd like to make the interpolation algorithms for varispeed pluggable,
which also enables me to refactor diskstream and the session in a way
that eliminates duplicated code for the calculation of how many
transport frames passed
while varispeed playback.
(And later maybe add cubic spline interpolation).

Also there is a unit test which shows how the length calculation
of the current algorithm works; ie. if the test assumptions pass,
that means it is still wrong.... or in other words: The test assumptions
document how it works right now:
Due to rounding errors there is an length error of about 1 sample in
each period.
That is an error in the order of 1% for 64 frames.

Since this is pretty much a work in progress,
comments would be appreciated.

Kind regards,
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