[Ardour-Dev] Ardour 2.8.2 released

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Tue Jul 21 09:34:21 PDT 2009

Ardour 2.8.2 contains a fix for a another critical bug on OS X that
causes ardour to crash when deleting plugins with Carbon-based user
interfaces. There are also two other small fixes - logarithmic plugin
parameters can now be modified sensibly, and when importing files
using the "copy files to session" option, an existing BWF timestamp is
no longer lost. All OS X users are recommended to upgrade immediately
- for those who have paid for any previous 2.8-series version, it is a
free upgrade. Linux users may choose to wait for 2.8.3 in a couple of
weeks which will contain a dozen or so other bug fixes. Thanks to
Thomas Vecchione for help with debugging the crash, and Nick Murtagh
for those two other fixes.

Find it at the usual place: http://ardour.org/download

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