[Ardour-Dev] Funding: Build and Sell Hardware

Hans Baier hansfbaier at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 22 17:18:14 PST 2009

A stand alone
> computer with sound cards running a rack of Open Source reverb units,
> signal processors, Jamin, etc., that could work with a generic studio
> setup. The user would buy their own hardware and would buy a CD from
> us for minimal cost.the main signal path.


> I think coming in on the side chain using Ardour and lots of other
> plugins has a better chance of being accepted into a studio.

Selling a rack is a good idea IMHO,
Users want plugins and they want to them to work without hassle.
And the Linux Audio community has a lot of excellent sounding
(but not always excellent looking) plugins.
Selecting the very best of them, creating nice GUIs
would make an attractive product.


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