[Ardour-Dev] uninstall before upgrade ?

Eric eric at vents-sauvages.fr
Wed Jan 23 23:35:06 PST 2008

Hello all listers

I want to upgrade from ardour 2.0.2 to ardour 2.2.
The 2.2 version compiled ok. The question is : version 2.0.2 lacks a
"scons uninstall' target. Do I need to perform a manual uninstall before
installing 2.2 version or is it just ok to perform a 'scons install' of
ardour 2.2 ? (apart from the fact that I have to manually uninstall some
~/.ardour/XXXX files)

Btw, thanks to ardour developpers. This software is really astonishing.
I'm about to finish a music project for theater using Ardour, and will
certainly make a donation after that. Thanks again.

Thank you in advance for the answer


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