[ardour-dev] success story + export regions patch

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.edu
Mon Jan 29 07:58:43 PST 2007

last weekend i used ardour2 on mac osx (10.4) intensively. on saturday i
recorded a live concert and on sunday i mixed it and recorded own stuff.
the live recording was very successful: 60 min, 16 tracks with no xrun
or slow disk error. period size was set pretty small: 512.
hardware: macbook + firewire audio interface motu 828
i used a self compiled version of ardour2: Ardour-2.0beta11.1 svn1392
and a recent (svn) version of jack as well
for that gig i could have recorded less tracks but a previous endurance
test gave me confidence. actually i still haven't found the limits. so
i'm very happy with ardour2, and my laptop as well!

i had a few crashes and other minor errors while setting up the project
and later editing the material. i took notes of them, but i'd like to
have a closer look at most of them before reporting bugs.

one of these problems is about exporting range markers to audiofiles.
i created 7 range markers -one for each song- but only the first one was
correctly exported. all the other 6 started in a random place (the same
one for each 6)
repeating the operation, i obtained the same but with the last 6
starting to another (random) place.

placing couts at ExportRangeMarkersDialog::process_range_markers_export
i saw that the range locations where correct. but at the end of the loop
there is a call to freeweel(false) that doesn't make sense to me.
removing it (attached patch) fixes the problem.


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