[ardour-dev] Building Ardour with FFT_ANALYSIS

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Fri Jan 12 09:12:28 PST 2007

On Fri, 2007-01-12 at 19:04 +0200, muadib at in.gr wrote:
> I'm having a problem in building Ardour with FFT_ANALYSIS=1
> I just compiled fftw-3.1.2, however, Scons returns somewhere at the beginning that "No package 'fftw3f' found".
> (Could it be possible that this is based primarily on the CPU, and if it supports SSE, SSE2, etc? 
> 'Cause I see that mine doesn't have SSE, since it's an AMD Athlon at 905MHz)

no,  its because FFTW can be compiled for floats or doubles, and we need
the float version. even if you have FFTW installed, you may not have the
float version.


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