[ardour-dev] Ardour seeks new sponsors

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Fri Jan 12 06:20:22 PST 2007

Please feel free to redistribute this as appropriate.


Ardour is looking for new project sponsors after our major contributor,
Solid State Logic informed us that a conflict of interest prevents them
from continuing the financial support they gave to Ardour during 2006. 

Ardour is at an exciting point in its development: version 2.0 is about
to released very shortly, and more and more developers have recently
started contributing to the project. Once version 2.0 is released, we
have a large list of substantial new features waiting to be added,
including MIDI recording and playback (already implemented as part of
our participation in Google's Summer of Code). New work to add support
for Mackie/Logic Control surfaces is already substantially completed.

However, despite the growing number of developers and the excitement of
a 2.0 release, Ardour will not keep moving forward at an acceptable pace
without at least one developer focused full time on it, and the end of
SSL's funding will have a significant impact in this area. Paul Davis,
Ardour's lead developer and founder, was paid entirely by SSL and is now
seeking other ways of allowing him to continue working on Ardour as well
as JACK.

We welcome continuing contributions via the Paypal. However, we are also
in an urgent search for corporations or orther organizations that see
the long term value of Ardour as part of the audio technology
environment. If you or your organization are interested in helping to
establish and support a non-profit foundation dedicated to ensuring
Ardour's continuing development, please get in touch with Paul
(paul at linuxaudiosystems.com).

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