[Ardour-Dev] Markers patch

Sylvain HENRY hsyl20 at yahoo.fr
Sat Aug 25 19:49:27 PDT 2007


I have made a little patch which corrects two display problems in the current trunk version:
1) When a range is displayed (punch range, loop range...) if track_canvas is scrollable, range rectangle doesn't reach the bottom of track_canvas.
2) When only Punch In is enabled, the Punch range stops at the Punch Out marker and vice versa.

I think that my solution with problem 2 is good but with problem 1, IMHO the best thing should be to set ranges' heights to track_canvas' height whenever a new track is created, a track previously hidden is displayed and so on... but I don't know how to do that (it is the first time that I deal with C++/Gtk programming and with Ardour).


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