[ardour-dev] ardour2 + behringer BCF-2000 ?

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Nov 18 17:48:56 PST 2006

On Sat, 2006-11-18 at 11:13 +0100, Christophe Combelles wrote:
> thanks!
> we will be starting using ardour2 for production in a small studio as soon as 
> next monday!! It's probably risky but we like living dangerously :)
> (We've tried to use some previous 0.99 simple sessions with success, but once it 
> is saved with 2.0, it's unusable on 0.99. )
> Just to say, I've also tried vanilla kernel 2.6.16 + rt29 patch, and it gives 
> very good results for latency. I still have a few problems with hard drive 
> speed. I have two disks as raid0.
> I was previously running Sarge with reiserfs for root and XFS for audio.
> Now I've switched to dapper with full ext3 eveywhere, it's not better.
> When I read just 4 tracks and I ffwd with the roll, it sometimes says that the 
> drive is not fast enough. Otherwise I can read 30 tracks at once with no 
> problem, but then it stops as soon as I move a window. I guess there are a few 
> optimisations problems. (the card is a matrox M400 with xinerama)

Just in case you don't know about this (depends on whether you are
building or just installing prebuilt packages - in the later case most
probably this is taken care of), make sure that jack is configured to
use tmpfs for its temporary directory, otherwise journalled filesystems
like ext3 will trigger xruns...

-- Fernando

> Paul Davis wrote:
> > On Sat, 2006-11-18 at 00:22 +0100, Christophe Combelles wrote:
> >> hello,
> >>
> >> I have successfully compiled and packaged the beta8, and I've also successfully 
> >> built one with vst (I've been asked, I don't use it personnaly, I didn't have 
> >> yet enough time to try every ladspa...), all this on Dapper.
> >>    Everything seems great although I got a few crashes, especially when adding 
> >> many tracks at once (27).
> >>
> >>
> >> But there is one thing I couldn't do : using again the BCF-2000 I've been using 
> >> with 0.99 for a long time. Did someone try?
> >> Is there something different in 2.0 than in 0.99 ? Something special to do ?
> > 
> > a) make sure your ~/.ardour2/ardour.rc file defines:
> > 
> >   <MIDI-port tag="control" device="ardour" type="alsa/sequencer"
> > mode="duplex"/>
> > 
> > b) Go to Options -> Control Surfaces -> Generic MIDI and select it to
> > enable it
> > 
> > c) continue as for 0.99.3
> > 
> > d) for feedback, go to Options -> Control Surfaces -> Generic MIDI ->
> > Controls -> Feedback and click to enable it. You are now officially in
> > uncharted territory :)
> > 
> > --p

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