[ardour-dev] ultra-preliminary alpha ardour2 tarball release available

Chris Ross chris at tebibyte.org
Sun Jan 15 02:06:09 PST 2006

Hi Seablade,

I think you hit "reply" instead of "reply all"...

Chris R.

Thomas Vecchione escreveu:
> Well I downloaded and tried the alpha1 build, I thought I had remembered 
> reading somewhere a newer tarball was going to be rolled so I wasnt sure 
> if I should be grabbing the ardour2 CVS tarball or not.
> At any rate it is built and installed into my /opt and running.
> Unfortunatly I dont tihnk this will be to helpful but a couple of things 
> i noticed...
> I opened a new session with a different samplerate than the one I was 
> working, and got a brief error that was cut off but I believe it was 
> something to the effect of frame_rate() called when jack is not running 
> and ardour crashed afterwards not opening the other project.
> Clicking on the strips dialog in the mixer window will only leave one 
> strip open and there is no feedback in the dialog itself anymore telling 
> you if that strip is open or not.  Not sure if it is intentional, as 
> shift clicking down lower will act like you would expect and open all 
> strips located inbetween the initial and wherever you clicked, but still 
> no feedback in the dialog itself that they are open.
> The varispeed control in the mixer has no feedback at all as to 
> location, though it is rather fun to sit there and have bittersweet 
> symphony playing in stereo and line up by ear the audio due to the 
> sudden shift in quality you get when it is lined up, some feedback might 
> definitly be useful.
> If I open ardour without starting jack, it starts up jack properly(Not 
> sure if it is on launch or project open, I would reccomend project open 
> and here is why..) but when opening up a 96kHz project I determined that 
> jack had opened at I believe 44.1 with nice fun results that sounded 
> really bad on the tracks I was opening;)  If starting jack is done at 
> the start of the project open so that the samplerate is matched it might 
> make things very much easier, and possibly add an option to close jack, 
> or restart upon closing of a project if no other programs are connected, 
> so that if we switch between different samplerate projects it would 
> appear seemless and nice and easy?  Possibly eventually allowing for 
> qjackctl to be taken out of the loop, which I wouldnt complain about, I 
> prefer to do the routing in ardour if I could.
> The input and output buttons in the mixer window list physical inputs 
> and outputs, again not sure if intended, but it would be nice IMO if 
> possibly the ability to route directly to other tracks were added in at 
> these locations.
> Moving faders in the mixer window seems to kill the metering in the 
> window, even if playback continues.  Also the current level of the fader 
> does not show up in the display like it would in ardour .99
> In the mixer window it might be nice if we could click on one track and 
> use the left and right arrow keys to move between tracks, especially for 
> those of us with GUI problems, that may or may not be ardour related(Ill 
> get to those later, I think it is likely my WM but I want to post them 
> just in case)
> I added a new track to an existing project, the track shows up in the 
> session view, but the mixer window does not update completly.  The track 
> also shows up in the track dialog in the mixer window, but the channel 
> strip never appears, nor does selecting it in the track strip dialog 
> cause it to appear at any time that I have found.
> I have noticed ardour 2 seems to have a tendency to go just beyond the 
> bounds of my screen(1024x768)  This happens both horizontally and 
> vertically.  This may have something to do with my WM as well as it 
> partially happened in ardour1(Currently e17) however I cant resize 
> ardour2 to fit in either direction which I could in ardour 1.  Also 
> fullscreen remains just over the screen boundries.  And on top of that 
> if I do resize and add in the editor mixer in the session, the window 
> will automatically undo the resizing I did to make sure the editor mixer 
> will fit, which it doesnt unfortunatly causing my window to hang back 
> off the bottom of the screen.  Again I think some of these are WM 
> problems, some though may be ardour issues as well, I am not sure.
> In the panel on the right hand side of the session view, on occasion the 
> tabs will cover up the arrows to tab from left to right.  Not a major 
> deal as clicking on the tab to that side will make it shift to the next 
> tab in that direction, but I didnt realise at first there was more there.
> Definitly though I am liking the new layout as I get used to it, I am 
> curious if the menus will redisplay correct keybindings if they are 
> edited in the ardour.ui file(Or whatever it is now) as I havent gotten 
> that far.  Hope this helps.
>     Seablade

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