[ardour-dev] how to recover crashing session

Tommi Sakari Uimonen tuimonen at cc.hut.fi
Wed Aug 23 00:55:11 PDT 2006

Hello. I managed to crash one session with the 'good old' 0.99.3 and it 
cannot load it again without crashing. The same happens with a recent svn 
version. I issued also a tracker item for this (0001254)

How would I try to recover the session by editing the xml file?

The crash happened from changing the zoom span to zero, maybe that has 
something to do with it. Is it saved somewhere in the xml? I didn't find 

Maybe I should make a new session and save it and start copypasting the 
old session by small chunks to the new and in that way I would find out 
what causes the crash.

I really should get this fixed since I need this song to be finished and 
submitted to a competition on friday 25th of August.

All hints appreciated.


ps. If I get any money from the compo, I will donate some of it to Ardour.

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