[ardour-dev] Debugging Ardour

Stephen West stephenwest1 at lineone.net
Mon Apr 3 04:48:25 PDT 2006

Thank you Sampo and Paul.

GDB works much better now. I'll try to debug the freeze function when I
get time. 



-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Davis [mailto:paul at linuxaudiosystems.com] 
Sent: 02 April 2006 14:33
To: Sampo Savolainen
Cc: Stephen West; ardour-dev at lists.ardour.org
Subject: Re: [ardour-dev] Debugging Ardour

On Sun, 2006-04-02 at 15:31 +0300, Sampo Savolainen wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-04-02 at 12:42 +0100, Stephen West wrote:
> > Hello,
> >  
> > I'd like to try to fix one or two bugs in Ardour. I've compiled 
> > Ardour2 with DEBUG=1 and have run DDD Debugger with GDB. GDB just 
> > seems to lock up and I never reach the source code where the 
> > function is that I want to debug (freeze function).
> I'm not familiar with DDD. Have you tried pure gdb? There is a script 
> called ardbg in the gtk2_ardour directory which runs ardour with gdb.
> Also, you should run jackd non-realtime and in soft mode.

not soft mode. just non-real time and set a long client timeout (5000 or
10000 is good)


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