[ardour-dev] Italian Translation for 0.99 + Translation related Bug

Filippo Pappalardo filippo at email.it
Sun Sep 25 04:14:06 PDT 2005

I updated the Italian translation, now there are only a few non
i18n-capable strings in ardour's code, don't know if this happen to
other translators too.

Oh and sorry I don't have a mantis account, so I'm posting here a bug
found while creating a new session with the default "No Template"
option. This is a silly one but potentially a stopper.

ardour: [ERROR]: Could not find a template called Nessun modello - crea
tracce/bus manualmente
in /home/felipe/.ardour/templates/:/usr/share/ardour/templates/
Segmentation fault

please note:
"Nessun modello - crea tracce/bus manualmente" is the Italian
translation for "No template - create tracks/buses manually". What
happens is that ardour actually looks for a template with that name,
instead of doing without any template.

Nicest release ever compiled, bye

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