[ardour-dev] would like to translate ardour to Polish language

Petter Sundlöf petter.sundlof at findus.dhs.org
Thu Oct 13 14:29:12 PDT 2005

In your source tree (you will have to grab 0.99, previous releases have 
broken translation, and there are still a few issues with translation in 
0.99) there are three relevant files:




Take these out of the source tree and start editing them.

After you've progressed a bit, you need to copy them to the appropriate 
places, which is:

gtk_ardour/gtk_ardour.pot -> gtk_ardour/po/pl_PL.po (or pl_PL.UTF-8.po)

libs/ardour/libardour.pot -> libs/ardour/po/pl_PL.po (or pl_PL.UTF-8.po)

libs/gtkmmext/libgtkmmext.pot -> libs/gtkmmext/po/pl_PL.po (or 

Then all you need to do is 'scons install', that should regenerate the 
translation files, provided you've run scons with NLS=1.
You may have some error messages about fuzzy strings, but these are easy 
to fix.

If you have any problems, stop by #Ardour on Freenode 
(irc.freenode.net), and I ('peppo)', or some of the developers, can 
hopefully help you.

Piotr Sawicki wrote:
> Hi, 
> I would like to translate ardour into Polish language. 
> Please give me instruction how to do it.
> Thanks
> Piotr

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