[ardour-dev] [PATCH] MMC/RecordPause implementation (as for Tascam US-224/428)

Rui Nuno Capela rncbc at rncbc.org
Fri Jan 21 07:03:22 PST 2005


>>My patch is really intended to mirror ardour's transport record-enable
>>button behavior. As I said, ardour is already sending MMC/RecordPause out
>>when that button is pressed on the GUI (and transport is not
> ah. i will check the MMC specification and see if i made a mistake
> myself there.

Please do. Thanks.

Another thing I would ask you, taking this opportunity:

I'm also interested in the MMC/(Masked)Write commands implementation,
either in Ardour and in us428control (the piece of code that really
implements MMC for the Tascam US-x2y gear).

However I don't have the MIDI MMC specs at hand. In fact, all my MMC
knowledge was read from ardour's source code :) Should you, or someone
else, disclose it to me, at least the interesting parts?

OK. The ones I'm referring to are the possible implementations of the
following commands:

    MMC/Write       (0x40)
    MMC/MaskedWrite (0x41)

and, most importantly, the respective sub-command formats that deal with
track arming, muting, monitor, etc. wherever applicable.

Thanks in advance.
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
rncbc at rncbc.org

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