[ardour-dev] AMD64 SSE optimisation

John Rigg ardev at sound-man.co.uk
Sat Dec 17 03:13:34 PST 2005

On Sat, Dec 17, 2005 at 01:57:33AM +0000, John Rigg wrote:
> I found an error in the patch. The CPUID stuff in globals.cc seems to be
> failing so use_sse isn't set. I'll do some more debugging over the
> weekend (if necessary I'll just bypass the CPUID test in order to try the
> SSE code).
The CPUID code is working fine. However, the only way I could make sure
it was being used was to set try_optimization = 1 explicitly. Ardour now
starts with the expected "Enabling SSE optimized routines" message.
Don't know yet why try_optimization is being ignored.


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