[ardour-dev] MIDI binding OSX

Polashek, Matthew matthew_polashek at mcgraw-hill.com
Mon Apr 18 06:12:47 PDT 2005

Ok, thanks!

Matthew Polashek
Get Firefox!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jesse Chappell [mailto:jesse at essej.net] 
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 10:01 PM
To: Polashek, Matthew
Cc: ardour-dev at lists.ardour.org
Subject: Re: [ardour-dev] MIDI binding OSX

On Fri, 15 Apr 2005, Polashek, Matthew wrote:

> MIDI binding doesn't seem to be working with beta 23 or beta 28 on
> Does that make sense?  Do I need to route MIDI messages to Ardour or
> something?  Both my Promix 01 and my Event EZBus bind MIDI just fine
> with Linux.  Any ideas?

On OSX you need to connect the MIDI ports with a patchbay tool 
such as MIDI Patchbay from http://pete.yandell.com/software/

You also need to add the following line to your 
~/.ardour/ardour.rc file right after the <Ardour> line:

<MIDI-port tag="coremidi" device="ardour" type="coremidi"

It will then show up in the MIDI Patchbay as coremidi_in/out. 

So, in other words it still needs some work :)


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