[ardour-dev] MMC Shuttle Patch

Christopher K. George ckg at YaleSDA.org
Sun Apr 17 17:17:43 PDT 2005

I have found, and "patched" a problem with the MMC shuttle code that tried to
set the shuttle speed to very high values when the control surface sent shift
values to be applied to the shuttle speed.  I am using the JLCooper MCS-3800
control surface which sends a shift value for the shuttle control, but does
not for jog.
This appears to have been a simple fix, but as I do not have a copy of the
MIDI specs, it is quite possibly not completely correct.  It should not,
however, change the behavior for control surfaces that do not use a shift value.

This patch is to be applie to libs/midi++/mmc.cc


P.S. Let me know if I didn't do the diff right.
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