[ardour-dev] OS X version

Vieri 'Lo Steso' vieri at nes.it
Tue Oct 26 13:49:38 PDT 2004

From: "Eric Gilbert" <eric at gilbertduo.org>

> I'm new to the list.  I hear people referring to the OS X version of
> Ardour.  Is this public (even in CVS)?  Has anyone had success building
> Ardour on OS X?

Well...I tried Ardour on OS X and it's very easy to install. Just use
apt-get and X11.
IMHO it's limited to use Ardour with OS X. You don't have a preemptive
kernel. OS X works great with DP.

Why don't you use a gentoo distribution and Ardour? You get preemptive, you
get linux, you get best memory usage and a very stable system.

If you have any question ask to me. :-)


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