[ardour-dev] irclog, please [was: Re: latest (MAMMOTH) CVS commit]

Joern Nettingsmeier nettings at folkwang-hochschule.de
Fri May 14 02:44:20 PDT 2004

Paul Davis wrote:
>>>About 10 days, we noticed that the panning model inside Ardour was
>>>completely wrong. Not just the mathematics of the pan law, but the
>>>actual software architecture of panning. Fixing this has required a
>>>massive set of changes to Ardour's basic data flow and a lot of subtle
>>>changes to a lot of code. 
>>Wow, I don't know how I missed this discussion on the list.  If it's
> We don't use ardour-dev for much discussion any more. The important
> stuff tends to happen in real-time over on #ardour at irc.freenode.net.

maybe someone could set up a logging bot and make the log available 
on the net? (as you can see from the lateness of my reply, i'm 
severely behind on ardour development, and i'd love to be able to 
bring myself up-to-date on the technical discussions on irc as well...)



Jörn Nettingsmeier
Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Germany
http://spunk.dnsalias.org (my server)
http://www.linuxaudiodev.org (Linux Audio Developers)

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