[ardour-dev] Two jack servers? (One internal to Ardour)

Rui Nuno Capela rncbc at rncbc.org
Sun Dec 12 14:23:22 PST 2004

Mark Knecht writes:
>Jack O'Quin wrote:
>> >    An alternative idea would be some way of marking Ardour's internal
>> > connections in such a way that tools like QJC do not display them.
>> > From my POV connections internal to Ardour should not be meddled with
>> > in QJC, but I'm make so many connections in Ardour that QJC's
>> > connections page is becoming a frustration instead of the tool it
>> > usually is.
>> >
>> Good idea.  Maybe Rui could give QJC an option to ignore connections
>> from a client to itself.
> I copied Rui on the first message thinking that this would be the
> simplest solution. I'm not sure what the right answer is. Maybe there
> are some internal connections you want to see, but I think most you
> don't want. Maybe some button to display/hide connections from an app
> to itself would give people the most flexibility.


This is being planned. Along with new audio meter and MIDI event
monitoring features, which imply that qjackctl will be itself present as
yes another connecting client, I was planning to add the option to
show/hide itself from the connections list. I guess this option may be
extendeded to any other arbitrary client.

Now accepting UI suggestions/ideas on how to implement just that :)

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
rncbc at rncbc.org

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