[ardour-dev] Important Follow-up on last CVS commit

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Thu Apr 22 14:17:21 PDT 2004

 * If you open a session with the latest CVS ardour and save it,
   older versions of ardour will NOT BE ABLE TO LOAD the session.

 * So, if working with important/time-sensitive material, please make
   a copy of it somewhere safe. Although I expect the latest code to
   be very usable, there is some chance of mishaps. 

   Note: you need only back up the state file(s) and the automation
         directory if you want to save space.

 * Please do not use more than 2 outputs on a route until a later
   commit. Code to support this is somewhat in place but not
   operational. Things won't break, but they won't work either.


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