[ardour-dev] Looping ranges kills JACK/Ardour

Wolfgang Woehl tito at rumford.de
Thu Apr 15 04:21:58 PDT 2004


ardour cvs 04/14/2004
jack cvs 04/14/2004

Selecting a range (in a track) with less than about 3000 frames and 
making that selection loop (context menu) kills JACK and ardour. Oh 
well, just now ardour looped 2000 frames ok and died with < 2000. Oh 
well, and just now it looped about 48000 frames ok, being stopped and 
started multiple times, and then died leaving JACK alive.

The next instance of ardour -- not having selected anything, playing a 
long loop range (song length, via transport loop button) -- dies at the 
end of the loop, having played one time through. Selecting something 
longer again makes ardour loop ok.

Uhm ... it "feels" as if ardour had problems with short range selections 
and looping those plus stumbling over that the next time around 
although it's not supposed to do anything with the fatal selection/


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