[ardour-dev] New Linux, Ardour, Ardour Developer Person

Gary Murray garymurray at ireland.com
Thu Apr 1 12:26:26 PST 2004

Hi All

I am new to Linux Audio, Ardour Etc. I found Ardour via Internet search which made realize that Im sick of costly Windows and MAC software, whose companies contanly hound you for money, by allways leaving you 1 tool short "the one that will make there application even better".  So Im gonna break with the "Status Quo" and go for the open source philosphy. 

I recently installed Red Hat 9.0 but I cant intall ardour. I know noting about emerege or apt (looked on Internet but found noting concrete, tried installing an rpm of apt but it like ardour required other packages)

So I tried downloading the individual packages which were asked for  when I executed the ardour rpm (as well as the requirements listed on the ardour website).

When installing these packages some of them will not work I get a message saying Could Not open package check permissions (the premissions are fine). Im sure I downloaded the correct type of RPM i386 for Redhat

Is there anyone out there who can help get me up and running with ardour?

1) How do I use emerge or apt. Do they come with Red Hat 9.0.  
Im a not connected to the internet via my redhat linux OS, would this affect the use of apt or emerge?  

2) Where do I download the required sound libaries and applications (note I downloaded rpm that did'nt work)?

3) What compiler do ye recommend for developing ardour?  

4)I have a Yamaha AW 16 G hard disk recorder which I would like to connect to Ardour via MIDI. Is this currently possible?

Over the next few months I will hopefully begin to start contributing to ardour like you.

till next time


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