[Ardour-Users] subscription support down, your ideas sought

Kevin Cosgrove kevinc at cosgroves.us
Thu May 15 13:53:31 PDT 2008

On 15 May 2008 at 21:36, Mark Greenwood <fatgerman at ntlworld.com> wrote:

> No, I'm afraid it's not reasonable. "icky" is an understatement.

Yeah, comments like yours are partly why I waited a whole year while 
getting up the nerve to deal with PayPal before subscribing.

> Now, whether people like me are in the majority is very
> doubtful. But it also has to be said that PayPal is not really
> set up to make regular subscriptions - most people don't leave
> money in their PayPal accounts and so regular payments don't go
> through. I think taking cards might encourage more people to
> subscribe because it's easier for them than having to manage
> the arcaninties of a PayPal account. Whether that's worth it
> only Paul can decide. All I can say is, if you'll take my
> credit card you can have my money from now until my computer
> explodes.

Well, I don't have any money in my PayPal account, and I never have.
Instead PayPal is just a clearing house allowing a regular payment to 
Paul's PayPal account from my VISA account.  It's been working fine.
I read Paul's writing that he's interested to build a broad base of 
subscribers, with the implication that it's a predictable income he's 
after.  But, you still can send him a check in the mail, if that's 
your preference.



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